Eds. – The story behind the joint venture.

3 min read

How did Eds. come about? The journey began when Studio LDN, a specialist user experience design agency was approached to design the Your Edu Journey App. An app to help teachers capture continuous student progression and learning without creating large amounts of admin. The app tackled the key theme emerging from the Education space – how do we better student outcomes and how do we measure quality teaching? The answer to these questions is always the same – DATA. Data allows a teacher to show their supervisors, principals, and the government student progression. How can we expect our government to make good decisions on education if they’re getting data that only tells half the story? We need to get better at showing what progression actually looks like without adding too much to the workload.

Given the success of their previous collaboration, Your Edu Journey asked Studio LDN to come along on their mission to further improve the education space. By considering and implementing user experience design to the key issues in education, Your Edu Journey and Studio LDN found a solution that could best support schools and teachers. 

They now just needed expertise in the app and web development space to provide an all round service offering. Given their progress in the education space and a successful partnership with Studio LDN, Sudo Roux was the obvious choice to complete the joint venture. From this partnership was born Eds.

Since forming we have worked with other clients in the education space and heard more about the difficulties facing schools and institutes in collecting and using information. We understand that the key issues are:

  1. Relevant information is not accessible enough. 
  2. The admin burden is real and many educators find multiple systems hard to use and stay on top of.
  3. Communication around data is difficult in educational organisations for many reasons i.e. privacy, however this leads to educators being provided incomplete pictures of students attainment.
  4. Data is used by governments to demonstrate educators are meeting goals and hitting targets, yet few educators have little to no data training.

We have heard time and time again that the educational sector’s focus wants to be on getting back to teaching and learning, less administration, clear and concise tools to visual captured data. Validating the effort behind work.

Currently we have an over saturated market with platforms, learning management systems and products promising to simplify the challenges of online learning, communication, visualising learning outcomes in the education space – but none of which are bespoke solutions to deliver required results in an impactful way.

Our mission is to deliver educational change! We are here to support schools, education systems and organisations to demonstrate their impact through clearer evidence of learning outcomes. To do this we focus on four areas:

  • Training for educators, ensuring all can speak the basic language of data.
  • Research and discovery, understanding your needs, pain points and how we can overcome them.
  • Strategy (developing positive data cultures that run throughout schools and organisations and include all).
  • Product design to ensure users have access to systems that work for them. 

We know that there is a real gap in the market and to add value there needs to be a strategy behind any piece of work. In short– Eds. is the combination of SMEs from the ‘front line’ of education and a strategic design agency that have joined forces to deliver educational change. Watch this space.

Got an idea or challenge to solve? Let’s get our heads together.

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