Educational change through streamlining data.

Edu.Data measures impact in education by streamlining the data process. By reviewing data collection, analytic and dashboarding processes we help organisations create user-friendly ecosystems.

What we do.

Unlike other tech companies we do not believe in off the shelf ‘fixes’. Our systems are made by educators, for educators, who understand the complexity of the system.

- Review current processes and highlight areas for improvement
- Advise on all areas of data in education
- Support you in finding the right practice through custom made solutions

- Provide training to support you in using data in your setting

edu data infographic wheel

“We help educational organisations reach make waves in the market using cutting edge practice and technology”

- Katie Fleet, Director of Education

Examples of our work

Data Collection

School improvement​

Edu.Data supports organisations with the process of gathering and interpreting various forms of data in order to improve educational outcomes. There are several methods of data collection used in education, including surveys, assessments, observations, and interviews.

Data Analysis

School improvement

Analysing data is one of the most important stages of driving growth within your setting. We specialise in supporting schools, education settings and organising in reviewing a wide range of data for different purposes. During our analysis sessions we look for important patterns, identify the impact of intervention and discuss the student groups most in need of improvement.

Data analysis paperwork teamwork


Teaching and learning

Edu.Data understands that collecting data in a classroom can be challenging that is why we support you by designing agile data collection methods that work for you and your setting. Data collection needs to gather relevant data that tells the learning story of every student. 

Creating Eco Systems

School improvement

Creating simplistic data ecosystems within education has multiple benefits including making data more accessible and easier to understand. The benefit of this practice to educators and administrators is that they can focus on the most important data points and avoid getting overwhelmed by excessive data.

Professional Learning

High impact teacher learning

Edu.Data offers a range of professional development options including courses, coaching and train the trainer models. We work with system leaders, school executives, whole school teams and specialist providers. Our training covers building data literacy, effective data collection methods, interpreting student data and effective assessment practices.

Who do we work with?

Dive in to some of our case studies

Partner: ASIL

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Partner: ASIL

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Partner: ASIL

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.